Share your knowledge and make your mark

We are preparing to bring you the best Bring on the Heat® yet! Don't miss out on the opportunity to present your experience as part of the technical program of this popular event!

Important dates to remember:
Deadline for Abstracts: February 19, 2021
Deadline for Presentation: May 14, 2021

The committee is currently soliciting presentations for the following:

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)

We are looking for presentations to cover one of the following topics:

  • CUI cycle
  • Coating systems
  • Insulation
  • Moisture barrier and jacketing
  • Application and inspection
  • Case studies - what happened, why it happened and what was the outcome

*Please do not include introduction to what CUI is as this will be covered at the beginning of the program and will not need to be discussed more than once.

Submit abstract
Passive Fire Protection (PFP)

We are looking for presentations to cover one of the following topics:

  • Coating systems
  • Insulation
  • Application and inspection
  • Case studies - what happened, why it happened and what was the outcome

*Please do not include introduction to what PFP is as this will be covered at the beginning of the program and will not need to be discussed more than once.

Submit abstract
Other topics related to high temperature coatings
Submit abstract

Why should you submit an abstract?

Get acknowledged as a leader
Become recognized as an industry leader by presenting your knowledge to peers.

Enhance your career
Enhance your career with the connections and business opportunities you will gain from showcasing your experience and success stories.

Have a positive impact
Have a positive impact by helping young corrosion professionals to enhance their knowledge in corrosion mitigation.

Submission guidelines

  • A formal presentation at the event. Presenters may be eligible to receive a discounted price to attend.
  • The length of a standard presentation is 30 minutes.
  • A PowerPoint presentation is required with the presentation.
  • Meet all deadlines listed for presentation review
  • Follow all requirements for formatting and content for presentations.
  • Provide a brief biography.
  • All presenters will be required to pay for their registration. However, you will be given a discount off whatever registration category you choose.

Network with influencers

Forge new connections and gain real-world insight and experience from others engaged in the high temperature coatings industry.

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Share your Ideas

Put your experience, research and ideas to work towards real solutions for tackling CUI, the use of PFP, and other high temperature coatings issues.

Submit an abstract

Become a Sponsor

Showcase your company to 200+ highly-sought after professionals as the go-to resource to protect against high-temperature corrosion.

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