Conference Hotel Information

Please do not make a reservation directly with the hotel or you will not receive the discount.

Loews Kansas City

1515 Wyandotte Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
+1 (877) 748-1451

Loews Kansas City Hotel showcases 800 guestrooms, a lobby bar, signature restaurant, three-meal restaurant, and an indoor lap pool. Enjoy being walking distance from key attractions and other destination landmarks like the Kansas City Power & Light District, Sprint Center, KC Streetcar and the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.

Room rates:
Single/Double - $179 USD
Triple/Quad - $199 USD

Book Your Room

Hotel booking deadline is July 13, 2021.

Visa Application for International Attendees

Any individual traveling from an international location into Kansas City will need to check the U.S.Department of State website to identify their specific country VISA requirements. For detailed listings of whether you will require a US VISA in order to attend the Central Area Conference, please visit If an invitation letter is needed for a visa application, the individual must be registered for the conference before a letter can be issued.


Unknown companies commonly referred to as "Pirates" may attempt to contact exhibitors and attendees falsely claiming to represent AMPP and/or conference. DO NOT make reservations through these unknown companies and especially do not provide any payment information. These rogue companies may charge your credit card for services not rendered. AMPP is not affiliated with any third-party housing bureaus and will not be making phone calls offering additional discounts. All reservations should be made directly with the Loews Kansas City. If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be the official housing provider, please report them to Meghan Leyva at