Online Registration closes June 13, 2019. No on-site registration will be available.
Registration includes coffee breaks, lunch, handbook, presentation handout, and certificate of attendance.
*The handbook and standard, if purchased, will be provided electronically up to two weeks before the seminar. If a hard copy is requested additional shipping costs will apply.
*Minimum of 15 registrants required for the workshop
Cancellation Policies: Cancellations received 35 days or more prior to the starting date of the event will receive a refund of 50%. Cancellations received 34 days to 3 days prior to the start date of the event will receive a refund of 10%. No refunds will be given 3 days or less prior to the start date of the event.
All cancellations must be in writing to
Right to Deny or Remove: We reserve the right to deny registration or admission to, or remove any party from the Conference, in our sole discretion.