Call for Forums

Advance your future in corrosion mitigation by sharing your knowledge through a forum presentation at CORROSION 2019. Forums are an opportunity for corrosion professionals at any experience level, to discover and discuss new corrosion developments in various industries without the requirement of a technical paper.

NACE is seeking submission of abstracts for consideration as a forum presentation. We encourage forums to offer information for individuals with varying levels of experience including beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics. However, the topic and information must be technically accurate and must be relevant to NACE’s mission. Forums can host one or many speakers as needed, and can be structured in formats that provide the most value to the attendees.

Deadline to submit an abstract for a forum is May 7, 2018

Forms must be sent to

To submit your abstracts and for a complete list of rules, download the forums submission form.

Forums Submission Form