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Attendance Justification Toolkit

Here is some Key Conference Language:

Technical Symposia

These are formal technical sessions in which authors of the technical conference papers present their work. Symposia are open to all attendees.

Technical Committee Meetings

These are meetings that are required by individual technical committee chairs to carry out the specific goals and work of the committee.

They are classified into:

Further descriptions of these committee classifications can be found on the Technical Committee webpage. These meetings are open to all attendees. NACE membership or a becoming a member of the committee is not required.


These are panel discussions made up of industry leaders that focus on a subject. They are typically two hours in length and consist of informal presentations as well as the opportunities for questions and answers.  Forums are open to all attendees.

Administrative Meetings

Members of administrative committees meet to discuss and plan for various functions of NACE. These committees are made up of NACE members, with a headquarters staff liaison. Administrative meetings are open to NACE members.

ISO Meetings

NACE administers four ANSI-accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) technical committees. The TAGs review drafts of ISO standards and submit the U.S. vote. There is also a Maintenance Panel for NACE MR0175/ISO 15156, a NACE/ISO standard, and sometimes ISO technical committees meet at the conference.

Corrosive Chronicles

Feature experienced corrosion professionals and NACE staff who will present interactive forums on a variety of corrosion-related topics on the exhibit hall floor.

Corrosive Chronicles

Panel discussions consisting of informal presentations by industry leaders focusing on a specific subject.

Keynote Speaker

This year’s Keynote speaker will be Frank Abagnale and will talk about how protecting people, assets, and the environment from corrosion requires the highest level of ethics and integrity.

Networking Events

Meet other corrosion professionals through the variety of events that NACE offers this year in New Orleans!
